Frequently asked questions
Any questions that come in for the course, I add them here.
Important: If you have questions, please go through the entire course first and check the FAQs as we have done our best to make the course and FAQs thorough and detailed for you! If you still have questions you can contact me here.
This section is divided into 2 parts: Print FAQ's and Printer/ In-house Printing FAQ's

Print FAQs
DPI Questions
My file is too big to upload when outsourcing...what should I do?
What driver should I download for my Epson V600 scanner?
What should I look for in a camera?
I have a Canon Rebel, is that a good enough camera for prints?
If I offer digital print downloads, what file format should I use?
Why do you use Lightroom AND Photoshop? Why not just Lightroom?
What are the best selling print sizes?
If my images are JPG's, is it ok to use those for printing?
I paint in watercolor, can you show me how to remove the white background?
Do you have resources for getting my art printed on other products (mugs, bags, etc.)?
What are your export settings if I'm color correcting in Photoshop?
How do I scan in a Chalk or Oil Pastel original?
Printer / In-House Printing FAQs
Printer Maintenance tip!
Do a "heavy cleaning" (setting on your printer screen) on your printer every 6 months. It will reset the negative pressure in the ink lines and keep your colors consistent. Immediately follow it up with a “normal cleaning” (setting on your printer screen) to get those nozzles nice and clean and ready to print again.